About LEP's

About Energy Partnerships

Working with you to improve your energy needs at a local level

Our Key Aims

Tackling fuel poverty by drawing in as much funding to local areas as possible.

Maximising energy efficiency benefits to local residents, businesses and SMEs .

Reducing carbon emissions and assisting energy security in the UK.

Improving links between industry, skills and training providers, by championing more effective schools, apprenticeship and work based training.

Create new “Green Jobs” throughout the UK, generating new local employment opportunities and social inclusion.

Helping to generate higher levels of local economic growth.

Developing opportunities around research and development activities.

Through our CORGI “Energy” and “Social Impact” bonds we will assist in reducing the upfront cost barrier for entry to any required pre-requisite training.

How can CORGI Energy help?

By working with Local Authorities across the UK, we can combine resources to target local communities and provide businesses and residents with energy, carbon and financial savings.

We can advise and implement any of the following along with many other energy saving technologies;


  • Solar Photovoltaics & Battery Storage
  • Replacement Boilers and various other heating solutions
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Points


CORGI Energy Local Energy Partnership Projects will bring wide-ranging benefits to your local area by utilising our knowledge of local energy and our low carbon initiatives across the UK.

Local action is important to deliver the emissions reductions committed to under the Climate Change Act. 

Many of the changes needed to transform the UK’s energy system can be made locally, by residents, communities, businesses and public sector, and the CORGI Energy Local Energy Partnerships are able to play a vital role in coordinating, facilitating and delivering this transformation to fruition. 

Communities working together

In our communities, energy features in all of our daily lives and underpins much of our economy and over the next three decades, our energy systems will need to rapidly evolve to enable us to decarbonise and take advantage of new technologies.

Setting down a clear vision for energy provision

Local authorities have the potential to deliver on a range of energy projects from reducing spend on energy supplied to council-owned buildings, to using council owned assets (land and buildings) to generate renewable energy.

Our Energy Strategy recognises the current aspirations of the Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), delivering solutions that will take the UK on a journey to provide local energy provision solutions.

Key themes that have emerged from the Local Energy Strategies are;

  1. Clean Economic Growth: Net zero carbon emissions by 2050 by driving growth in the low carbon and local energy sectors, ensuring local people benefit from the employment and skills development opportunities created.
  2. Housing and Commercial Infrastructure: Securing a smart, modern, clean energy infrastructure which supports planned housing, industrial and commercial growth, and changing energy requirements.
  3. Secure local affordable consumption: Reduce energy demand and increase energy efficiency for domestic, industrial and commercial buildings and transport energy; reducing carbon emissions, fuel poverty and improving air quality.
  4. Innovation: Position the region as a centre for innovation in the low carbon sector, where new technologies, processes, business and finance models are demonstrated and commercialised, and policy and regulatory barriers are challenged.
  5. Partnerships and Energy Networking: Enhance and develop working across sectors and LEP areas, capitalising on low carbon energy challenges and funding opportunities arising from the Industrial Strategy and Clean Growth Strategy.
  6. Local Economic Benefits: Ensuring communities influence and benefit from projects, the local energy supply chain is developed, and businesses are able to benefit from new technologies, driving productivity.
CORGI Energy
© Corgi Energy Group
17 Bank Street,
 West Yorkshire, 
WF10 1JD
0800 161 5525
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